When it comes to companies selling the best electric dirt bikes for adults, competition is rampant in the market. What is the fastest electric dirt bike on the market? Some might say the Kuberg Freerider, while others may go for bikes by SurRon. However, there’s a bike that triumphs all of these in speed. Keep reading because we’ve discussed it in detail below.

What Is the Fastest Electric Dirt Bike?
The Zero DSR is currently the fastest electric dirt bike on the market, with a top speed of 102 mph. Costing $18,995, the bike comes with a 52kW (70 hp) motor, which helps it cross the 100mph benchmark.
Although it faces tough competition from the KTM Freeride and the Segway X260, the Zero DSR still beats them all. The KTM Freeride has a top speed of 50mph, and the Segway X260 has a top speed of 46.6mph. What is the fastest electric dirt bike? The Zero DSR: it beats the others by almost double the speed.
Speed isn’t the only thing that the Zero DSR has going for it either. It comes with a 14.4kWh lithium-ion battery that gives it a 157 miles range. The bike also completely charges within 2 hours.
It has a sustained speed of 90mph and, like all other electric bikes, can reach a maximum torque of 116 ft-lbs almost instantly. What we love about the bike thought is how authentic it feels. Everything from the driving to the acceleration gives gas-powered bikes tough competition.
How Fast Do Electric Dirt Bikes Go?
Electric dirt bikes can go up to 100mph only. The Zero DSR touches this benchmark and goes a little over. However, most dirt bikes do not go more than 50mph. The KTM Freeride, the Kuberg Freerider, the Segway X260, and the Segway X160 all have top speeds of 50mph, 34mph, 46.6mph, and 31.1 mph respectively.
Of course, some bikes go faster than 50mph too. The Enduro Ebikes 12000W can go up to 74.5mph, and the Luna Cycle Sur Ron Storm Bee has a top speed of 68mph. However, what is the fastest electric dirt bike? Without a doubt, the Zero DSR.
What Is the Maximum Legal Speed of an Electric Bike?
In most countries of the world, the maximum legal speed of e-bikes is anywhere from 20-25.4kph or 12.43-15.53mph. Furthermore, this speed limit also changes from state to state.
However, dirt bikes themselves are not legal on the road. They lack important equipment like side view mirrors, taillights, and more that are required for a vehicle to be legal on the roads. Since dirt bikes do not have these parts, you can drive them on private property or empty spaces only.
Given you can’t drive these bikes on the roads, legal speed limits don’t matter. You can test your bike’s limits and go as fast as you want to go. Just make sure you’re comfortable with the speed you’re going at.
Also read: How Fast Does an Electric Dirt Bike Go?